Cultivating an Abundance Mindset as a Single Mum

As a single mum, navigating the challenges of parenthood solo can sometimes feel overwhelming. Between juggling responsibilities, managing finances, and coping with the emotional aftermath of a breakup, it’s easy to fall into a scarcity mindset. Four of the biggest scarcity themes for us as single mums tend to be feeling like there’s never enough time, money, support, or good quality dates to go around. However, cultivating an abundance mindset can help shift your perspective and empower you to embrace opportunities for growth, happiness, and fulfillment and set you up for success! And bring these things to you!

Here are ten strategies to help you cultivate an abundance mindset as a single mum.

1. Practice gratitude

Begin, or end,  each day by expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life, no matter how small they may seem. Take a moment to appreciate your children, your health, your home, and any support system you have. By focusing on what you have rather than what you lack, you can cultivate a sense of abundance as a single mum and it also makes you happier and more positive.

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2. Shift your language

Pay attention to the language you use when talking about your circumstances. Instead of saying, “I can’t afford that,” reframe it as, “I’m choosing to prioritise other expenses right now.” By reframing your thoughts in a more positive light, you can open yourself up to possibilities and an abundance mindset.

3. Set intentions

Take time to visualise your goals and aspirations for yourself and your family. Set clear intentions for what you want to manifest in your life, whether it’s financial stability, emotional well-being, personal growth, or a new partner. By setting intentions, you focus your energy and attention on what you want and what you are capable of achieving. This helps create an abundance mindset as a single mum.

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4. Embrace abundance in relationships

Seek out supportive relationships that uplift and inspire you. When you are around people who are constantly negative or pointing out things you are lacking or not believing in you, it can really bring you down. Instead, spend more time surrounding yourself with friends, family members, and mentors who believe in your potential and encourage you to pursue your dreams. By fostering connections with like-minded individuals, you can cultivate an abundance mindset as a single mum.

5. Focus on solutions

When faced with challenges or setbacks, resist the urge to dwell on the negative aspects of your situation. Challenges and roadblocks will come up. Instead, focus your energy on finding solutions and taking proactive steps or alternative pathways to overcome obstacles. By approaching problems with a solutions-oriented mindset, you create growth opportunities and an abundance mindset.

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6. Practice self-care

Make self-care a priority in your daily routine. Take time to nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being through activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it’s exercising, meditating, or indulging in a hobby, prioritise self-care to replenish your energy or give you the rest you need. This also sends the message to yourself that you are worthy and helps create an abundance mindset.

7. Celebrate your wins

So often as single mums, we don’t take the time to recognise how far we have come. Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it’s reaching a milestone at work, accomplishing a personal goal, or simply making it through a challenging day, take time to pat yourself on the back and recognise your achievements. You are not in the same place you were a few months ago. By celebrating your wins, you can cultivate a sense of abundance and an abundance mindset.

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8. Release fear and doubt

Let go of limiting beliefs and fears that hold you back from embracing the abundance mindset. Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations that affirm your worthiness and potential. It’s important to become aware of your inner critic and start being your own best friend. By releasing fear and doubt, and embracing a can-do attitude, you can open yourself up to an abundance mindset.

9. Stay open to possibilities

By staying open to possibilities, you can cultivate an abundance mindset. Remain open-minded and receptive to the opportunities that come your way. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and explore new avenues for growth and abundance. You never know what these new experiences will bring you.

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10. Trust in the universe

Have faith in the universe’s ability to provide for you and support you on your journey. Trust that everything happens for a reason and that you are capable of manifesting abundance. The universe only gives us what we BELIEVE we are worthy of experiencing. By surrendering to the flow of life and trusting in the universe, you can cultivate an abundance mindset.

Remember, cultivating an abundance mindset is a journey that takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and commit to embracing an abundance mindset in your daily life. By adopting all these strategies and shifting your perspective, you can create a life filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment as a single mum. You’ve got this!


You can also book one-on-one coaching with Julia Hasche from wherever you are in the world!

  • Do you need clarity on whether you should leave your partner or not?
  • Have you just parted ways with your partner, and feeling lost?
  • Have you been single for a little while now and need assistance with getting your life back on track and feeling empowered?

Click HERE to read about coaching and to hear from some others who have gone through coaching programs with Julia, and book in here for your 30-minute complimentary Clarity Call.  

The purpose of the Clarity Call is:

  1. For me to get to know you and understand an overview of your current situation and where you are at.
  2. For us to establish what you need assistance with to move forward.
  3. To see if we are both comfortable working together.

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