Morning habits for single mum well-being

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As a Certified Divorce Coach and Certified Transition and Recovery Coach, as well as my own experience of being a single mum, I understand the unique challenges that single mums face during times of change. Establishing empowering morning habits can set a positive tone for the day, fostering resilience, self-care, and a sense of control. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of morning habits for single mums and introduce some transformative practices to kickstart your day.

Four reasons why morning habits matter

  1. Morning habits set the tone and shape the atmosphere for the day ahead. By incorporating positive routines, you can establish a proactive mindset that helps you navigate challenges with clarity and resilience.
  2. Single mums often juggle multiple responsibilities. Morning habits provide a dedicated space for self-care, allowing you to recharge and nurture your well-being before attending to the needs of others. They help you to look after yourself and your future self better.
  3. Transitions and parenting can bring uncertainty. Establishing a consistent morning routine offers a sense of stability and predictability, even when other aspects of life may feel unpredictable.
  4. Morning habits that promote mindfulness, gratitude, and positive affirmations contribute to improved mental and emotional well-being. These practices help shift your perspective and cultivate a positive mindset.

morning habits for single mums, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

The Miracle Morning

Hal Elrod, in his book The Miracle Morning, describes the life-transforming morning routine that he does, and it includes 10 minutes of each of the following: silence, affirmations, visualisation, exercise, reading, and scribing.

This may be unrealistic for many of us. Especially for those of us with young children who can be quite demanding, as we know. But if you think it’s achievable, give it a go! You could get up an hour early and try and do this before your kids wake up or you could try condensing it down, and do one or two minutes of each of them, which I think is better than doing absolutely nothing. And what a beautiful start to the day.

morning habits for single mums, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

You could also try to include your kids in this if you wanted to. Involve your children in a morning routine that promotes bonding and cooperation. This could include shared breakfast time, planning the day together, or incorporating a short mindfulness activity.

Here are some of the transformative practices I use to kickstart the day, and recommended morning habits for single mums…

Transformative morning habits

1. Wake up a bit earlier than necessary to enjoy quiet moments of reflection. Use this time to set intentions for the day, express gratitude, and engage in activities that bring you peace, such as journaling or meditation.

2. Incorporate gentle movement or exercise into your morning routine. Whether it’s a short yoga session, a brisk walk, or a quick workout. Physical activity boosts energy levels and sets a positive tone for the day.

morning habits for single mums, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

3. Fuel your body with a nutritious breakfast to provide sustained energy throughout the day. Include a balance of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates for a wholesome start.

morning habits for single mums, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

4. Practice positive affirmations to foster a resilient mindset. Affirmations can be tailored to your personal goals and aspirations, providing a boost of confidence and self-belief.

5. Take a few minutes each morning to review your schedule and prioritise tasks. This proactive approach helps you feel more in control of your day, reducing stress and promoting productivity.

6. Use the morning to connect with your support networks. Whether it’s a quick text, a gratitude note, or a virtual check-in, fostering connections with friends and family can be a huge emotional support.

morning habits for single mums, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms


Morning habits for single mums are not just about routine; they’re about reclaiming your mornings as a sacred time for self-care and empowerment. I also truly believe that these can help your mindset.

So as a challenge for yourself, try it out. Tweak your morning routine a little bit, and make a conscious effort to change things up to start your day on a positive note and set yourself up better for the day. By incorporating these transformative practices into your daily routine, you can set a positive tone for the day, boost your well-being, and navigate the transitions and recovery journey you are on with strength and resilience. Remember, your mornings are a canvas for self-love and personal growth – seize the opportunity to create a brighter, more empowered future, one morning at a time.


Thrive Tribe – the global membership experience for single mothers – will be opening again for enrolment later this year. Join the waitlist here.

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