Side Hustle Tips for Single Mothers

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A side hustle is a part-time job or business that you can do in addition to your regular job or parenting responsibilities. As a single mother, there are many reasons to start a side hustle. I started my business as a side hustle when I was two years into single parenting. For me, the main reason to start my side hustle was to pursue my passion for supporting and connecting with other single mothers.

Over time, it was something that grew, until it was something I was doing full-time. In my experience, it was one of the best things I have ever done. I often have single mums asking me about it, and how they can start up their own side hustle, so here are some of my side hustle tips for single mothers, and I hope they help you!Continue Reading →

How the new Child Care Subsidy affects single parents

how the new child care subsidy affects single parents, single mom, single mum, solo mum, single mother

Everything you need to know about the new Australian Child Care Subsidy and how it affects single parents.

By now you are probably aware, the Australian Government is making some major changes to the child care benefits in Australia. Say goodbye to the Child Care Rebate (CCR) and the Child Care Benefit (CCB), and hello to the Child Care Subsidy. #hi ? . The Child Care Subsidy, which is replacing both the CCR and CCB, will commence on the 2nd July 2018. Let’s see how the new child care subsidy affects single parents.Continue Reading →