Why your first call after separating should be to a divorce coach

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Divorce throws curveballs like nobody’s business. As a single mum, you’re facing double the emotional turmoil, juggling kids, finances, and the rollercoaster of uncertainty. All of this can leave you feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unsure of where to turn. Our gut reaction, and often what everyone tells us to do, is to call a lawyer. Now, I’m not saying lawyers aren’t important – they are legal experts, after all. But consider this… What if there was someone who could guide you through the emotional and practical aspects of separation before the courtroom drama begins? And maybe a whole lot of legal stress could even be avoided in the process? This would save you a lot of stress, not to mention money. Lawyers might seem like the obvious answer, but for single mums, there’s another powerful ally waiting in the wings: the divorce coach.

 A divorce coach can be your guiding light through the emotional, practical, and even financial complexities of separation. And this can empower you to navigate this journey with strength and clarity. Because divorce coaches focus on YOU, the amazing, resilient human being at the heart of it all.

Here’s why you need to call a divorce coach after separating and why it just might be the single mum superhero you need.Continue Reading →

Ten Strategies for Single Mums to Navigate Christmas Season Sadness

The Christmas season is often associated with joy, togetherness, family, and festive celebrations. However, for single mums, it can also be a time that brings about a lot of feelings of sadness and loneliness. Whether it’s due to a recent separation, not seeing the kids on Christmas Day, or the longing for the Christmas spirit past years brought, it’s important to acknowledge these emotions and find empowering ways to navigate through them. Here are ten strategies to help single mums navigate Christmas season sadness and find joy and fulfillment during the Christmas season.

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Ten Ways a Divorce Coach for Single Mums is a Secret Weapon in Family Court

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Hiring a divorce coach when going through the family court system as a single mum can be a beneficial decision for several reasons. And for some, even a necessity. A divorce coach is a trained professional who can provide emotional support, guidance, and practical advice during the divorce and family court process. Here are 10 compelling reasons why it’s a good idea to hire a divorce coach for single mums as you enter the family court process…Continue Reading →

Navigating Family Court as a Single Mum

navigate court as a single mum, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent, singlemothersurvivalguide.com, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

Going through family court proceedings as a single mum can be an emotionally taxing and challenging experience. It’s a time of uncertainty, stress, and often, a rollercoaster of emotions. In this blog post, we explore 12 strategies to help you emotionally cope in navigating court as a single mum, and get through this phase of navigating court as a single mum with resilience and strength.Continue Reading →

Ten tips for managing stress as a single mum

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Why be stressed?

Being a single mother is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. Single mums have to juggle parenting alone, work, running a household, and their own personal life. And they have to juggle all of this while also dealing with the stress of being the sole provider for their family. Plus there’s the potential stress that may come along with dealing with a co-parent.

From disciplining children and addressing behavioral issues… to helping with schoolwork and making ALL the parenting decisions alone… single parenting can be daunting and stressful.

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