Single Mums and Homework Help: 8 Strategies for Supporting Learning and School Success

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As a single mum, juggling the responsibilities of parenting and managing a household can be challenging enough. Add homework help into the mix, and it can feel overwhelming. However, with the right strategies and support, you can empower your child to excel academically and foster a positive learning environment at home.

In this blog post, we explore eight effective strategies and practical tips for single mums to provide homework help and support their child’s learning journey. Let’s take a look at these strategies for supporting learning and school success.

1. Establish a Homework Routine.

Creating a consistent homework routine helps your child develop good study habits and promotes a sense of structure.

Set aside a specific time each day for homework, preferably right after school when the material is still fresh in their minds. Find a quiet and comfortable space where your child has the necessary supplies and resources readily available, and can focus without distractions. Having a designated homework area also helps create a sense of structure and signals the brain that it’s time to concentrate on learning.

Encourage them to break tasks into manageable chunks and take short breaks to maintain focus.

As a single mum, you may have limited time but try to be present during the designated homework time to offer guidance and support. Show interest in your child’s assignments, and encourage them to ask questions if they’re unsure about anything. I usually make myself available to answer questions when I’m preparing dinner. And when my daughter was younger, we usually did her readers in bed as part of the bedtime routine. 

Single mums and homework help, Strategies for Supporting Learning and School Success, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

2. Foster a Positive Attitude towards Learning.

As a single mum, you play a crucial role in shaping your child’s attitude towards learning. Show enthusiasm for their academic achievements and encourage a growth mindset. Celebrate their progress and offer words of encouragement to boost their confidence. Instill the belief that mistakes are opportunities for growth and emphasize the importance of perseverance and hard work. Something I always tell my daughter is “Education is a privilege”, and it really is. 

3. Be a Learning Role Model.

Children often learn by example, so being a learning role model can significantly impact their attitude toward education. Let your child see you engaging in learning activities, whether it’s reading a book, attending a class, or pursuing a hobby that involves learning new skills. This will demonstrate the value you place on education and inspire your child to take their studies seriously.

Additionally, engage in discussions with your child about their school day, their interests, and their aspirations. Show genuine curiosity and encourage them to explore new subjects and ideas. Your interest in their education will encourage them to stay motivated and curious about learning.

Single mums and homework help, Strategies for Supporting Learning and School Success, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

4. Communicate with Teachers.

Maintaining open lines of communication with your child’s teachers is vital for staying informed about their progress and any challenges they may be facing. Teachers can offer valuable insights into your child’s strengths and weaknesses and suggest strategies for improvement.

Attend parent-teacher meetings, actively engage in parent-teacher communication channels, and seek feedback on your child’s academic performance. Collaborate with teachers to identify areas where your child may need extra support and work together to address any concerns. Doing this throughout the school year can also help you stay on top of any issues that come up, rather than finding out at report time.

Single mums and homework help, Strategies for Supporting Learning and School Success, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

5. Utilize Online Resources and Tutoring Programs.

In today’s digital age, there is a wealth of online resources and tutoring programs available to assist with homework help and complement your child’s learning. Take advantage of educational websites, online tutorials, and interactive learning platforms that can supplement your child’s understanding of various subjects. Many websites offer interactive tutorials, practice exercises, and educational games that make learning fun and engaging. Explore these platforms with your child to find resources that align with their interests and learning style.

Furthermore, consider using educational apps that help with specific subjects or skills they may be struggling with. These apps can provide personalized learning experiences and track progress over time, allowing you to identify areas that need improvement. And if they are really struggling, consider enrolling them in tutoring programs that provide personalized support in specific areas.

Single mums and homework help, Strategies for Supporting Learning and School Success, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

6. Encourage Independent Learning.

While your support is crucial, fostering independent learning skills is equally important. Encourage your child to take ownership of their homework by asking questions, seeking solutions, and managing their time effectively. Teach them problem-solving strategies and guide them to utilize available resources, such as textbooks, dictionaries, or online research, to find answers on their own.

7. Seek Support from Peers.

As a single mum, it’s essential to build a strong support network to help with your child’s education. Encourage your child to form study groups or join school clubs where they can collaborate with peers and exchange ideas. Peer support can boost their confidence, enhance learning, and develop valuable social skills.

8. Encourage a Healthy Work-Life Balance.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for both you and your child’s well-being. As a single mum, it can be challenging to juggle work, household responsibilities, and parenting duties. However, strive to create quality time with your child outside of homework and school activities.

Engage in recreational activities, outings, and family discussions to foster a strong bond and reduce stress. When your child feels supported and loved, they are more likely to thrive academically.

Single mums and homework help, Strategies for Supporting Learning and School Success, Single Mothers, single mum, single mom, single mother, single parent,, divorce coach, coach for single mums, coach for single moms

Supporting your child’s learning journey as a single mum may require extra effort, but it is an investment that will benefit them in the long run. By establishing and implementing strategies for supporting learning and school success such as a homework routine, fostering a positive attitude towards learning, maintaining communication with teachers, utilizing online resources, and encouraging independent learning, you can create an environment that promotes academic success and empowers your child to thrive.

Remember, the journey of education is not just about grades; it’s about instilling a love for learning and empowering your child to reach their full potential. You are not alone on this journey, and with patience, perseverance, a belief in your child’s potential, and by being actively involved in their education and providing a nurturing environment, you can navigate the challenges of homework help, lay a strong foundation for their future success, and support their educational growth.


Thrive Tribe – the global membership experience for single mothers – will be opening again for enrolment later this year. Join the waitlist here.

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